Library Services and Support
HELI’s Library provides access to a variety of information resources and offers information skills training to support the varied learning and teaching activities of students. The Library offers access to a comprehensive range of online information resources including e-books, journals, newspapers and videos. 
HELI also has a physical library at Melbourne campus with resources including hard copies of prescribed texts.
Electronic Information Resources
The Library offers access to a comprehensive range of online information resources.
Library Catalogue
eBook Central
ProQuest One Business
Open Access Complete
ABI/INFORM Collection
Harvard Business Review and
SAGE Journals
Informit Databases
Library Help Desk
Library staff are available to assist students with their library research. Library staff offer face-to-face and online training sessions and individual support to teach students how to use the library resources. The library staff can also assist with queries on library catalogue, copyright, referencing and academic integrity. Library staff also work closely with teaching staff to provide in-class library training sessions and resources tailored to assessment tasks.
For more information about HELI"s Library Services and support please visit the Library and Learning Support website.