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Image by Eric Rothermel


Individual Personalised Timetable

Research Students

Once you have enrolled you will be able to view your units of enrolment via the Class Enrolment menu and the Timetable/Results tab of your Student Portal. Your personal timetable can be viewed via the Timetable/Results tab in a weekly or monthly format.


Following the close of enrolment each study period, the Class Enrolment menu becomes inactive and will display the following message "Enrolment Status: Expired". Don't worry this is because enrolment has closed, you'll be able to view your complete enrolment select the Timetable/Results tab.


eLearning and Academic Practice Students

Once you have been notified that your enrolment has been processed your personal timetable can be viewed via the Timetable/Results tab in a weekly or monthly format.

Online Timetable

HELI's timetable for the current study period is available via the below button. The online timetable list current classes and provides details of the class: day, time, unit code, unit name, class name and educator. Please note the timetable is subject to change.

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